Ira Chaleff has spent a lifetime coaching and working with executives on issues of courage. He believes that part of being a good follower, and a hallmark of true followership, is to stand up and challenge our leaders when we disagree with their principles, motivations, or actions.
Sure, it's easier to keep a low profile and not draw attention to yourself, but Ira warns us why taking that route leads to its own share of problems by presenting the five solid reasons why you should speak up to authority when the situation warrants it:
1) Because “boss” is just what you call him or her. Underneath the title is a human being. All human beings are fallible, including you. You’re not challenging the boss’s position, just the blind spot. Helping each other see the limitations in our thinking or the blind spots in our actions helps each of us to be better.
2) Because you believe in the mission of the organization and want it to succeed. If the boss, or the boss’s boss’s boss is contemplating an action based on an inaccurate assessment of the situation, your speaking up can prevent setbacks to the mission. This is good, right?
3) Because you have the courage to live by your values. If we compromise our values enough we cease being proud of who we are. You want to be proud of yourself, don’t you? Living with integrity takes courage.
4) Because no one else is going to do it. We wait for others to step in to the line of fire so that we can piggy-back on them to lessen any negative consequences of speaking up. That’s a problem — everyone is waiting for someone else to step up first, so no one does. The ship goes down.
5) Because it earns you respect from both your colleagues and your bosses. Your boss may not like hearing your challenge, but as long as he or she is not clinically paranoid, a strong boss will respect you for speaking up. So will your colleagues. You might even get promoted. If you do, remember to be a courageous boss.
Thoughts? Reactions? Chime in.
I have had 2 instances where i "stood up" to my superiors.. in both instances i was fired "without cause" and for not being a "good fit". I need this book to help me do thus in a constructive way, because i refuse to live less than my values, and not in the best interests of the clients i serve.
I've had several instances where I voiced my opinion about and to cruel, corrupt and/or otherwise wrong-headed bosses. Like the first commenter, I've lost jobs because of it (several, in fact). I've never been sorry and will continue to speak out when I feel I must.
This is a much needed book. On several occasions, be it sitting on a governance body or in a job I have had to stand up for what I believe in. On some occasions I have been given the accolade for doing so, but in some I have had to walk away from the job or role. A tough call. As I have to live with myself when the door is closed staying true to my values is where I strive to live. The choice is not without pain or tension.
I, too, have stood up for basic ethics. I am presently unemployed because of it. It seems the overwhelming majority of business cultures, at least in my industry, still live by the unwritten rule: go along or you're gone. I wish there was a way for those of us who have paid a high price for acting ethically to communicate with and support each other.
Nice brief and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Gratefulness you as your information.
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