
Five Ways to Handle Your Fear of the Economy

Bill Treasurer knows how to handle fear, he's been doing it all his life. Here are Bill's five tips for handling your fear of the current economic crisis:

1. Refocus on your work. Fear is the enemy of productivity. Get clear on what needs to be done - right here, right now - and go about the business of doing it. If you're not contributing, you may be in danger. Stop being in denial. Know your job, and then do it.

2. Stop playing it safe. Ditch the herd. While everyone else is hiding, you can stand up and stand out, getting noticed for your talent and contributions. It's easy to follow the herd. It takes effort to lead.

3. Form a posse. Create an inner circle - a small group of co-workers who you can trust and turn to when the going gets really tough. Take turns being "the positive one" and injecting a daily shot of courage.

4. Find a productive distraction. What makes you feel better - a little stronger or braver? U2 on your iPod? A can-do mantra? A long run at lunch? Identify that one little thing - your own personal "fear buster" - and use it early and often.

5. Just say "no" to the pity party. It's tempting to commiserate with co-workers. Don't do it. It will stoke your fears and shake your confidence even more.

What are your suggestions for handling the fear? Write them in below (no login/security clearance required).


Unknown said...

I suggest taking care of your body. Get plenty of sleep, take a walk every day, yoga--whatever gets your mind moving in a different direction. Breathe.

Anonymous said...

Recognize the fact that if you are sitting in front of a computer (even if it's not your own computer) and reading this, you have a better standard of living than over 87% of the world.

Anonymous said...
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KNathan said...

KNathan said...

Keep the lessons of the past in mind. Our track record is we work through these downturns and emerge stronger for having had the experience.

Maren Showkeir said...

Focus on doing the best you can do today, and try to avoid thoughts of the future. Make decisions based on who you want to be in the world, regardless of the circumstances you face. And remember that none of us are in this alone.

Anonymous said...

Learn to see opportunities in downsize economy. Make saving money a game and reward yourself at the end of the month.
Focus on what you can do to help yourself.
Pray a lot and remember God is in charge.
Turn off television, radio and negative people, focussing on what blessings you all ready have.

Anonymous said...


(Of course this is true. That billions of bail-out money is out there somewhere!)

Anonymous said...

Stay close with your family and loved ones. I know a lot of people (myself included) who were very poor when growing up but didn't know it because there was always plenty of love and support. I never felt like I was missing anything. I realize now how beautiful that was. It's almost like the Beatles song: "All you need is LOVE."

Anonymous said...

Here's 3:

Turn On, Tune In, Drop Out! ;-)

Anonymous said...

This is going to sound corny, but as a huge Dune fan (I've read 16 books in the series and am hoping to get the 17th for Christmas), I will quote the famous line given to young Paul in Frank Herbert's first book:

I must not fear.
Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing.
Only I will remain.

I use this litany every time I begin to feel fear, and it really helps.

David Marshall

Anonymous said...

Wow, I like all of these ideas! Especially the DUNE reference.

Bill Treasurer here, just dropping in with a quick note of thanks for all of you who commented on the 5 pointers.

The way I see, during times like this it is better to avoid the temptation to hunker down and become invisible (and maybe irrelevant). Instead, find ways to meet these challenging times with more courage. Courage is something that has to be activated within us, and it is most commonly activated by challenging situations. So instead of seeing a falling sky, choose to see a beautiful storm. Once it passes, all the colors will come out again.

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